IXN is now part of Insurance Technologies  right arrow

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Streamline Your Sales Process With the Best Digital Solution for Life Insurance Sales

IXN’s Agency Life Quoter is the real-time life insurance quoting tool
that is easy to use and increases your productivity. See for yourself how
this digital sales solution has powered more than 45 million life insurance

Schedule your demo of Agency Life Quoter today!

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Request a Demo



Trusted by top BGAs, IMOs and Direct Marketers



More information


Reduce your time quoting and increase your time selling with Agency Life Quoter.

Agency Life Quoter from IXN has modernized the life insurance sales process and empowered business growth. It provides advisors with a digital workflow, so their clients have the best possible experience when buying life insurance.

With Agency Life Quoter, you can…

  • Select and compare multiple product types across multiple carriers at the same time.
  • Run fewer, faster quotes in real time, limit carriers and products.
  • Filter and sort by product features, benefits, AND price.
  • Submit e-tickets and e-apps direct to carriers
  • And much more!

Here’s what some of our clients have to say about us:

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August 19, 2014


“FireLight has been a critical part of unlocking our team’s capabilities and will enable us to continue delivering an exceptional agent and client experience – all while executing our growth strategy.”
~ John Frye, Investors Heritage




August 19, 2014


“Advisors need an easy-to-use system they can trust to catch as many NIGOs as possible, and carriers need complete and suitable applications submitted consistently to meet their business rules. FireLight helps us create a common ground.”
~ Martha Hochuli, Advisors Excel

See for yourself how Agency Life Quoter from IXN can digitize your quoting process so you can sell more insurance!



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IXN is now part of Insurance Technologies  right arrow