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Mobile Advertising

Targeted. Timely. Affordable.

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Point of Sale Advertising

IXN mobile ads are the most targeted, affordable. and effective opportunities to message the customer and their agent/advisor at the time and place product decisions are being made. This is the first “Point-of-Scale” advertising opportunity in the industry, giving you the opportunity to differentiate your product from competitors products when presented to customers on IXN’s mobile quoting platform.

There are three ad options available for purchase on IXN’s mobile apps. Pricing for IXN Mobile Ads is a simple monthly fee structure based on the number of apps (most BGA’s each have one app) purchased.

Interstitial ("Loading") Ad

IXN mobile ads are the most targeted, affordable. and effective opportunities to message the customer and their agent/advisor at the time and place product decisions are being made. This is the first “Point-of-Scale” advertising opportunity in the industry, giving you the opportunity to differentiate your product from competitors products when presented to customers on IXN’s mobile quoting platform.

The dimensions for this ad are 960px x 1175px. File format is .PNG.

Banner Ad

Appears at the top of the Quote Results list. This ad is clickable and when clicked, pops out with additional information.

The dimensions for this ad are 1250px x 300px. File format is .PNG.

Sponsored Search Results

These ads appear as a search result, positioned above the “natural” quote results search. Sponsored search result ads are only available when purchased together with an Interstitial Ad or Banner Ad.