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Get Life Insurance Quoters on Your Facebook Page

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With over 1 billion users and the ability to create a free business page, Facebook is a powerful way for small businesses to reach a large amount of clients with minimal financial strain. Creating a facebook page for your Life Insurance agency is a good start, but there are a few other things that you can do to really get your business noticed by potential clients.

Facebook wants businesses to pay to be promoted. However, with little effort, you can promote yourself. First, you need to be actively posting things and reaching out. Company news, insurance news, funny life insurance comics, etc. are all great ways to actively post. The next step is to first reach out to your own friends, family, and current clients. Have them share and comment on the posts that you are posting on your page. This spreads your posts to a much larger audience. Because it is a social network, if people are talking about and sharing what you are posting, your ability to reach others will go up. The next step is to make it personal for the people who do comment and post. Reach out to them as potential clients, comment back, have discussions and let them know that they are more than just a number. If you have a website, put a link to that in the description of your business page so that people can easily find it.

IENetwork has an exciting tool for life insurance agents who have a business facebook page: a Life Insurance Quoter that embeds right into the page. It has several options. One is to have a comic page to lead people in to making a quote, or the quoter can just go straight to a quoting page. The quoter will send the information of the client of interest to you, so you don’t miss that potential client. You can post and direct people to the quoter right there, making it easy for clients and potential clients to get a life quote (without ever leaving Facebook!), and for you to get business and advertising at a minimal cost. To see an example of our Facebook quoter go to our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/InsuranceExpertsNetwork/app_147705328730719

While you are there, like our page to keep getting tips and updates about our Life Insurance software solutions.

To learn more about our Facebook Quoter go here: https://www.ienetwork.com/products/facebook_life_quoter