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Google Plus Is The Easiest Way to Increase SEO

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First, what is SEO? Search Engine Optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques, and tactics that are used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking.

In other words, you want good SEO so when people search for your company, your company shows up at the top of search results.


Social Media Affects Your SEO

So what does Google Plus have to do with this? Search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc) use different strategies to search for what you’re looking for. One of those ways is through social media.  One thing you might not know is that Google Plus is the third most popular social media platform.




Utilizing Your Google+

Now that we know how important Google+ is, we need to utilize it. Get active with your account. Do things like sharing, commenting, and posting. These are the types of activities Google will look for.Google+ Shares


Want to learn how to get active on your account? Quick Sprout has some amazing marketing tips for you. Click here to see more.



In Conclusion

By creating a presence on Google+, you will start to see better search results for your company. Better search results mean creating a better name for your company and driving more customers to your business.


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